default blog poster

Will desk phones be replaced with Bluetooth-style headsets? Will videoconferencing go 3D? Will faxing make a surprise comeback? We want to know what you think. Tell us your predictions using hashtags #bizcomm2025 and #ec15. You can even follow the predictions during the event by following our live feed on this very page or by searching for the #bizcomm2025 hashtag.

Stop by the booth

Better yet, stop by our booth at Enterprise Connect and take a selfie to accompany your predictions (still using hashtags #bizcomm2025 #ec15, of course). Don’t normally post online? We can snap the pic and post it for you. We’ll be reposting many of your best predictions.

Don't forget to check in to our Facebook Event while you're at EC15. It's a great way to network.

Tech giveaways

Plus, if you visit us at the show, you can register to win fun tech giveaways. See us at our booth to find out more.

The gurus speak

Whether or not you give us some booth time, you won’t want to miss Mitel speaking at the following sessions:

Brian Spencer, Vice President of Contact Center Sales
Market Leaders Theater Session – “Is your contact center ready for the cloud?”
Date:  Tuesday, March 17              Time:  1:30pm - 1:50pm           Location:  Market Leaders Theater on Expo Floor

Josh Haslett, Vice President of System Engineering
“What Kind of Hybrid Should Your Cloud Be?”
Date: Wednesday, March 18        Time: 2:45pm - 4:00pm                  Location:  Sun B

Dive deeper

To give you a chance to jump head-first into some of the topics covered at Enterprise Connect, we're doing a mini-blog series to accompany the event. We'll add more blog posts here as we release them.

Photo of blog author Hal Werner, Dallas Content Strategist & Digital Marketer

Hal Werner

Manager of Digital Marketing & Strategy

As a digital marketer and content strategist, Hal Werner shapes online experiences to help people find information they can use to make more informed technology decisions.

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