In this video blog post Tony Pereira explains how the internet of things is giving machines a voice and how Mitel is powering connections through IoT technologies.

From the Video:

Mitel is not just a phone company. I mean, Mitel powers connections and connects not just people and phones but it also connects to Excel environments. It connects to IoT systems, it connects to databases, connects to the web. So a lot of things, Mitel's all about powering connections. IoT basically allows us to expand what we can do.

It allows us to do things that previously would have been very difficult, like monitoring, sensing, looking at situations. Automating the triggering of special conditions and really allowing people to work more efficiently. So the secret is, how do you enable the human element into IoT? How do you give machines a voice? That's really what Mitel's gonna be doing. We're gonna be able to allow those IoT sensors and devices that do lots of wonderful things.

Using smart sensors

There's gonna be billions of these devices. And Mitel can do its share by allowing those devices to be able to connect when required to a live human person. And enable that human person to interact and address whatever situation IoT is flagging. And if you look at let's say, I give you an example of let's say an IoT sensor is sitting in a building. And the sensor is measuring temperature or carbon monoxide, or it could even be measuring movement for security purposes.

So when the sensor detects that, one of those events, it sends a message, it sends a trigger into the network. And what that trigger then can be used to create this connection into the Mitel PBX into a contact center. Or even activate a specific call to a service technician or an expert or a field technician. Whoever you want to route that alert to, And that alert can then trigger an action from that person to go and respond.

So sensors detects that hey there's something happening in this building. Carbon monoxide levels are building up, that's a dangerous situation. The sensor then activates an alert, and alert then goes into a workflow, a workflow finds the right expert in a specific location, a specific building, a state or country whatever.And sends that person to go investigate to find out what's happening. So by doing that you just probably avoided a disaster. Mitel is looking to do a couple of things. One is we're gonna put a reference platform together, that helps us understand the world of IoT.

Mitel's role

We are working with many of our partners that are actually involved in IoT space, that manage buildings, airports, smart cities. So, Mitel is gonna have a reference platform which it's gonna use to understand the world of IoT. And how best to optimize Mitel's solutions and connections into that IoT world. And IoT is, there are many industry platforms out, there's probably 20 major platforms.

So Mitel's aspiration is to connect to as many of these key platforms that are servicing building management facilities. Management industry, maybe the health care industry, hospitality industry. All the different verticals. Even potentially security industry. So that's where Mitel will be enabling it's technology connecting into those IoT domains. And enabling those IoT machines to connect back to the human voice.

It's gonna connect to these platforms and connect them through APIs, connect them through workflows. And enable those platforms to initiate activities that will enable a live person, when required, to get engaged with that IoT machine. So enabling the IoT to talk and a give a voice back into the world of people.

Nichole Paschal

Solutions Marketing Manager

Nichole Paschal leads the solutions marketing of contact centers, CloudLink and the next generation of Mitel applications delivered through the CloudLink platform. With over ten years in the technology industry, Nichole has led the global marketing and sales of cloud software companies.

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