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Shoretel 14.2 / Mitel 14.2

Find out the current status of the Shoretel 14.2 / Mitel 14.2 phone system and unified communications platform, and check out the best alternatives and replacements for this system.

What happened to ShoreTel 14.2 / Mitel 14.2?

ShoreTel 14.2 was renamed Mitel 14.2 when Mitel acquired ShoreTel in 2017. ShoreTel 14.2 / Mitel 14.2 reached end-of-life status in September 2020.

Find out more here >


What's the best alternative or replacement for the ShoreTel 14.2 / Mitel 14.2 phone system?

The best alternative or replacement for the ShoreTel 14.2 / Mitel 14.2 phone system is MiVoice Business.

Get more detail about these alternatives and migration here >


Discover why Mitel solutions are your ideal choice for the future of your business communications with our free e-book >

Find out what happened to other ShoreTel products here >

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