Why look to Cloud-based telephony?
Telecom systems have changed. They now have collaboration at the core and innovative concepts (integrated message systems, click to call, videoconferencing, a single call number, ubiquity, availability, etc.) are progressively enriching existing services with constant evolution.
The notion of collaboration goes along with the notion of community, i.e. people with common interests who want to share their information and experiences, and with the need for proximity, that is to say fully mobile relationships between users and others, via computer, telephone, smartphone or tablet.
To achieve these aims the current architecture is under pressure. Servers and computer facilities must be secured, adapted to the purpose, perform well and equipment such as workstations and new applications must evolve. New interfaces must be found.
Telephony has changed but must meet the same quality requirements as traditional telephone services. The Cloud is a telecoms architecture that can meet requirements such as:
- Flexibility and collaboration with no capital investment costs and offering the possibility to easily offer new collaborative services à la carte
- Automatic software updating so that architecture always up to date
- Reactive maintenance with more effective intervention because site visits will not be necessary, secure and energy-efficient data centers, system centralization, unification and simplified administration for multi-site configurations
- Financial benefits with pay by use systems, no investment cost (CAPEX), minimal implementation costs and foreseeable operating costs (OPEX)
- Security/PRA with no need for saving or data recovery. Cloud computing suppliers take on most of these tasks and they do it faster therefore rationalizing costs and optimising the quality of response to callers.
But, be advised, this all depends on the WAN / Internet connection, which becomes the critical point.
Cloud-based telephony is truly an alternative architecture. Defining needs is the key to a successful purchase. Along with this assessment of needs detailed specifications of the commitments expected and the methods to be used to measure service execution and quality, should be included.