We’ve highlighted before the increasingly central role the contact centre is playing within organisations and this is particularly important within UK local government.

District, borough and city councils have a direct responsibility to deliver a range of services to citizens, from planning applications and housing, to council tax and rubbish collections, all funded in part by the tax payer themselves, which raises the stakes in customer service expectations.

There’s a big challenge for local government organisations to handle citizen enquiries quickly and effectively, across multiple contact channels, while keeping costs to a minimum to protect the ‘public purse’.

It’s a challenge that the District Councils of South Lakeland and Eden in Cumbria, UK, have overcome however, through the introduction of MiContact Center for Microsoft Lync, as Computerworld UK reported recently.

Integrating seamlessly with Microsoft Lync, the Mitel solution, implemented by our partner IT Professional Services, delivers advanced contact centre applications for 25 customer service agents, all in a familiar, easy-to-use Microsoft Office interface.

The benefits are highlighted in a quote from Caroline Metcalfe, contact centre team leader at South Lakeland’s site in Kendal who says: “We can provide much richer information to callers and the ease of transferring interactions and collaborating with knowledge workers throughout the council has increased first call resolution rates and reduced call times.”

The virtual solution also allows home-based agents to integrate seamlessly into the contact centre and supervisors to manage and monitor operations from any location, through access to full telephony using their laptops and Lync.

MiContact Center for Microsoft Lync is ideal for organisations that have invested in Microsoft Lync but require a more advanced contact centre solution, without added cost and complexity. Find out more about how our portfolio of contact centre solutions can help your business serve its customers while improving agent productivity and controlling operational costs.

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