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Last Week in Business Communications is a weekly post where we cover some of the notable articles and happenings in the business communication world from the week before. Check back each Monday for your news fix.


More of Less and Less of More: The Needs of Today's Enterprise Collaboration Rooms
on Network World

In the early days of virtual collaboration, A/V specialists designed complicated, feature-rich collaboration rooms that often required advanced IT help to run. Since then, tools have advanced and collaboration has filtered down through businesses, but not all collaboration rooms have evolved. David J. Danto discusses what may make your company’s collaboration rooms more effective. Read the article >


IoT considerations for CIOs
on CIO Online

The Internet of Things is ripe with opportunities for valuable integrations and mineable data. But what happens when you start adding touch points that aren’t part of your plan—an Internet-enabled employee shirt that tries to adjust the thermostat at work, for example? Azmi Jafarey dives into the world of unintended consequences of the Internet of Things, and what CIO’s need to be aware is coming.  Read the article >


IT Security Can Be So Inconvenient
on NoJitter

According to CompTIA, the human element is the biggest hurdle to maintaining IT security. Usability, convenience and lack of awareness are the most common culprits. In this post, Gary Audin discusses the ins and outs of how to tighten up this unpredictable element of IT security to avoid costly and embarrassing breaches. Read the article >


7 Staggering Social Media Use By-The-Minute Stats
on Network World

Social media. It’s not just a buzzword. Whether employees are using it to communicate with each other or customers are using it to contact your company, social media is quickly becoming an inescapable component of business communications. Here are seven stats to show just how powerful it has become. Read the article >


Hal Werner

Manager of Digital Marketing & Strategy

As a digital marketer and content strategist, Hal Werner shapes online experiences to help people find information they can use to make more informed technology decisions.

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