Last Week in Business Communications is a weekly post where we cover some of the notable articles and happenings in the business communication world from the week before. Check back each Monday for your news fix.


DDoS attacks
On Tech Crunch

How massive DDoS attacks are undermining the Internet. Read the article >


Brexit: the UK’s IT skills, innovation, and investment challenge starts now!
On UC Insight

Skills and innovation will remain a key challenge for a post-European Britain, which is itself at risk of breaking up still further into its constituent nations, each of which will compete for the same business and the same skilled people. Read the article >


6 small steps to digital transformation
On Info World

Boiling the ocean never works. But the right proof of concept can provide a key transformative example for your entire organization. Read the article >


Hal Werner

Manager of Digital Marketing & Strategy

As a digital marketer and content strategist, Hal Werner shapes online experiences to help people find information they can use to make more informed technology decisions.

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