As a business executive and decision maker, you know that integrating a virtual workforce is a no brainer for a variety of reasons. Yet you also know that before you can take your work to the virtual realm, you must first invest in the right technology to support your virtual team. This includes implementing the right business phone system to preserve remote and virtual communications.

Recruit Top-Performing Employees

Picture this: You’ve just finished reviewing an application for a candidate that goes well beyond the required qualifications. The only problem? That amazing employee is based in Washington, and your headquarters are in New York. But you don’t have to let this seasoned player slip through your fingers. An advanced business phone system can provide a complete, in-office experience for all team members—no matter how far away they are.

For example, presence functionality ensures that information is automatically updated—including location, calendar and time of day—so that managers, colleagues and clients always know when, where and how to best reach virtual workers.  

Increase Employee Retention

There are a number of reasons why individuals need to work from home. But the bottom line is, you can’t afford to lose top performing workers, whether they may need to temporarily work from home or they need to relocate across the country. The average turnover cost for an employee that makes $8 an hour is $5,500. Investing in an advanced business phone system will not only keep your employees happier with added flexibility, but it will undoubtedly provide your business with measurable savings. 

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