Call screening is the practice of identifying incoming calls, and then using that information to decide what action to take.
At its most basic, call screening involves caller ID displaying on a phone or collaboration app, containing the caller’s name and phone number. The caller's identity can sometimes show as unknown or blocked. A user can then decide to answer the call, decline it or send it to voicemail.
More advanced call screening capabilities allow you to set up rules that go into effect before your phone even rings. Maybe you only want to accept calls from outside your company and send all internal calls straight to voicemail. Maybe you only want to accept calls from local area codes. These are all possible using advanced call screening.
Another part of call screening is also call blocking. With call blocking, you can block specific phone numbers, entire area codes or any caller without caller ID, among other potential rules.
There are many reasons to implement call screening policies, like protecting your time and privacy. For example, call blocking can save you from nuisance callers, survey companies or telemarketers. Or, you may not want to answer a call that you know will take a while if you have a meeting in a few minutes. And sending all external calls to voicemail can ensure that you are prepared with the data and information the caller is looking for, so you don’t waste time scrambling for answers.
Overall, call screening can help make you more efficient and focused with your time and your calls.