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Melbourne Football Club

A leading Australian football club, the Demons, was using a 10-year-old POTS phone system across three sites. The system was unreliable and expensive to operate and maintain. It couldn’t provide the productivity gains or cost reductions to meet its performance goals.

Quite simply, the Demons could not keep up with the communication needs of its growing organization and member base. There was an urgent need for upgraded technology that could provide reliability and an integrated phone solution.

Conscious of an upcoming busy AFL season, it was decided to seek out a new telephony system. Based on a thorough evaluation, most telephone providers were able to meet the demands of the Melbourne Football Club, but only in theory. The main requirements for new telephone system included reliability and the scale to expand across three sites and include employees working off-site. These requirements came with the stipulation that there would be no major software or hardware costs to meet its needs. But they were requirements that most other providers couldn’t adequately address.

“The Mitel solution provided the flexibility and resourcefulness so that our three sites could behave like one,” said IT Manager Richard Arnott. “We no longer feel like we are working from three silos. Mitel has been able to step up to every demand."

  • Legacy system was unreliable and expensive to operate and maintain 
  • Need to effectively connect employees working among three sites 
  • Desire to improve reliability and workplace performance 
  • ROI within six months 
  • No-cost calls among sites 
  • Reduced need for administration 
  • Improved customer service 

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San Diego Padres™

The San Diego Padres™ are blazing the trail to the cloud and setting the technology standard for the league.

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LA Kings

The Los Angeles Kings, a two-time Stanley Cup-winning NHL franchise, pride themselves on a highly successful on-ice product. In an effort to improve internal communications and interactions with fans, the Kings chose a Mitel solution for a seamless experience.

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Boston Red Sox™

The Boston Red Sox™ needed a modern telephony system that would align with the future vision for the 115-year-old organization, and Mitel’s multi-site unified communications solution hit it out of the park.

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