Big data is just that: big. Your network pumps out tons of data that can tell you how well it’s performing, where problems are brewing, and where major breakdowns are already happening. To make this information valuable to businesses, it needs to be delivered at the right time, to the right person, and point you to the right things.
Software that monitors your network around the clock collects this data – but how can it help you make better decisions? Ensure you’re notified about the things that matter most by looking for well-designed alarm management tools that will help you customize the way you receive data. Here’s what you can expect from the right alarm management system.
You’ll beat alarm fatigue
Among the biggest problems network administrators face when it comes to managing performance is the volume of alarms generated each day. Alarm fatigue can set in quickly when you’re deluged with alarms of every severity, from every device, at every time of the day. Over time, you can be desensitized: you stop looking, because you know only a portion of what you’re getting is truly relevant to you. Cut down on excessive alarm notifications with alert profiles that classify alarms by severity and date or time of day. For example, on the weekend, you might tell the system to only send you alerts for critical or major problems.
You’ll be pointed to the most important problems
Alarms should point you to the most important problems on your network. If you’re drowning in a sea of trivial notifications, it can be hard to see where the biggest problems really are. Alarm analytics, like those available to Mitel customers in Mitel Performance Analytics, introduce machine-learning to unified communications network monitoring. Mitel Performance Analytics learns from your alarm-related behaviour, and uses that data to show you only the alarms that matter to you. Ignore the alarm? Mitel Performance Analytics moves these types of alarms to the bottom of your list. Assign it to someone? Mitel Performance Analytics knows it’s important and presents these alarms more prominently. By learning from your behavior, your alarm management system will point to your most important problems, so you can start fixing them faster.
Want to learn more about the alarm management features that are making Mitel Performance Analytics the fastest way to know about problems on your network? Download Making the Most of Alarms today. >