At Mitel, believe in pushing the possibilities of business communications, and when it comes to call routing, we know that customer experience is key. And what better way is there to improve a customer’s experience than to have them guided through your IVR by the sultry voice of famed actor and narrator Morgan Freeman?

That’s why Mitel tapped the Hollywood star for a special edition IVR recording, available for a limited time exclusively through Mitel. The IVR package includes a wide range of typical IVR statements, like “Thank you for holding,” “Press zero for operator,” and “We didn’t understand that response, please try again.”

Freeman was not immediately available for comment, but a fan that has seen many of Freeman’s movies (several of them multiple times) had this to say:

“Morgan ever-loving Freeman? Are you kidding me? It doesn’t matter what you sell, if you put his voice in your call routing system, people will call in just to hear him.” – Morgan Freeman fan

Freeman’s fan downplayed the idea that people could get stuck in an endless IVR loop in an effort to perpetually hear Freeman’s comforting baritone voice. However, he did suggest that this could be the first IVR to win an Academy Award.

“You know how back in the day, you could get different voices for your GPS system, like Yoda? This is a lot like that,” said a Mitel source that asked to remain anonymous since his name contains no vowels. “Only without all the inverted sentence structure.”


Mitel has not actually signed Morgan Freeman for any projects, IVR recording or otherwise, that we’re aware of. Morgan Freeman has no known connections to Mitel. He simply has one of the most amazing voices known to man. This post is, in fact, an April Fools’ ruse meant as entertainment in the spirit of the widely celebrated tricksters’ holiday.

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