Back in November, we announced plans for Mitel and Aastra to merge. And while we were excited then, we’re even more excited today. After all, there’s nothing like the sweet satisfaction of actually completing the deal and seeing ink on paper. (And, yes, it’s dry!)

What does the deal mean for our customers? For starters, it means that Mitel now has the most comprehensive portfolio in the industry—digital, IP and cloud-based communications systems; platforms, applications and devices—serving every size organization from the very small business to the largest of enterprises.

It also means that the new company, with its combined R&D budget of $100 million per year, has the resources to lead innovation efforts and support a broad range of global and regional communications solutions.  

We hope you are just as excited as we are. This has already been a banner year for Mitel and we only expect it to keep getting better. To read more on our news, check out our merger press release.

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