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Last Week in Business Communications is a weekly post where we cover some of the notable articles and happenings in the business communication world from the week before. Check back each Monday for your news fix. 

Three in Five Businesses Believe Video Conferencing Boosts Productivity, But Many Fail to Invest
on UC Insight

According to a recent study, 59 percent of UK businesses believe that videoconferencing has led to increased employee productivity, with higher percentages citing other advantages of videoconferencing. However, only 41 percent of businesses agree they have the right video tools for the job. What’s fueling the disparity? Read the article >

How Much are Guests Willing to Disclose Personal Information within Hotel Apps?

Hotel apps open up intriguing new possibilities for hoteliers from collecting personal information to upselling to customizing guest experiences. But how much personal information will guests reveal in a hotel app? Does it depend on the situation? Find out in this post by Eliza Selig. Read the article >

A True Omni-Channel Solution Originates from a Central Knowledge Base
on Cloud Contact Center

Lots of businesses have developed omni-channel contact centers, but few have delivered on the promise of a truly integrated customer experience across channels. Where are businesses falling short today? What are they getting right? And how long is the road to the dream setup? Tracey Schelmetic explores the issue in her latest post. Read the article >


Hal Werner

Manager of Digital Marketing & Strategy

As a digital marketer and content strategist, Hal Werner shapes online experiences to help people find information they can use to make more informed technology decisions.

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