Last Week in Business Communications is a weekly post where we cover some of the notable articles and happenings in the business communication world from the week before. Check back each Monday for your news fix.


The Periodic Table of IoT
On Contexti

The vision of the Internet of Things has evolved along with the convergence of technologies in areas such as wireless communication, embedded systems and micro-electromechanical systems. The International Data Corporation (IDC), defines the Internet of Things as a network of networks of uniquely identifiable endpoints (or "things") that communicate without human interaction using IP connectivity – be it "locally" or globally. Read the article >


How vulnerable IoT devices are changing the cybersecurity landscape
On Business Insider

Everyday devices are increasingly being connected to the internet. And early research has shown that these devices — including connected cars, smart home devices, and wearables — often lack basic security protections to ward off hackers. Read the article >


WebRTC Offers Companies New Opportunities to Improve Their Online Communication
On UC Strategies

WebRTC is a new "disruptive" technology, which is considered to be a game changer for digital communication. The term stands for Web Real-Time Communication, indicating that it allows real-time communication (text, voice and video) from within the browser, without any plugins or other applications to install. This easily accessible system can be implemented in many corporate web applications and improves business communication through the web.  Read the article >


Hal Werner

Manager of Digital Marketing & Strategy

As a digital marketer and content strategist, Hal Werner shapes online experiences to help people find information they can use to make more informed technology decisions.

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