Originally published on syn-apps.com

Maintaining communications processes for disparate technologies ― IP phones, collaboration applications and more ― is complicated enough. When those technologies span multiple departments, locations and even time zones, it can be a nightmare. That’s why Mitel’s emergency mass notification and IP paging software, Mitel Revolution, includes the Sites feature.

What are Sites and How Do They Help?

Mitel Revolution Sites gives users the flexibility to define user permissions and designate notification functionality to specific locations across facilities. This helps control accessibility and prevent false alerts.

With Sites, you can segment and assign the following options across your facility:

  • Users
  • Contacts
  • Notifications
  • End points
  • End points
  • Triggers
  • Tags

This unified, mobile-first platform is intuitive to use and offers a methodical yet flexible structure to organize resources and assets when every second counts—ultimately ensuring your people receive the right message at the right time.

Contact your Mitel sales representative for more information about how Mitel Revolution and mass notifications solutions can work for you.


Syn-Apps is a leader in paging and mass notification solutions designed to improve business processes, increase safety and streamline communication. Since 2001, thousands of organizations across 35+ countries and a range of verticals  K-12, higher education, government, enterprises, retail, healthcare and more have integrated Syn-Apps' notification solutions with phones, paging systems, IP speakers and hundreds of other systems and services. Syn-Apps is also an OEM manufacturer of mass notification software for Fortune 500 global companies in the fire / life Safety and VoIP communications industry. For more information, visit syn-apps.com or call 1-866-664-6071.


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