A ring group is a group of phone numbers, extensions or physical telephones that ring together, simultaneously, when one extension number or extension is dialed. It’s a great way to improve call routing and distribution in different departments in a business. With ring groups, extensions can be gathered by departments like tech support, sales or accounting—and routed sequentially to all other extensions to ring simultaneously.
Ring groups allow businesses to divide their workforce based on important aspects of the company, including specialized skills, products and services, knowledge and geographic location. The feature allows you to assign a group of ring groups to each agent to customize routing according to your business needs. A single user in an office cannot pick up a call from ring groups unless they’re part of the group. If the users are unavailable to receive the call, there are options to forward the call to the ring group’s voicemail box or transfer it to a different extension.
Each Ring Group can be assigned any type of number, whether it’s a virtual number, main enterprise number, toll-free number or any other relevant number you wish to allocate in your system. The call can be answered by an auto attendant or transferred to another extension.
Ring groups are effective in determining which groups received a call, including those that went to voicemail. This information will provide you with accurate information on the type of call made and which team or department handled the response. Ring groups can help improve employees' productivity and issue resolution speed.