Workforce ManAgement (WFM) Explained

What is Workforce Management?

Workforce management (WFM) refers to software solutions for contact centers, back offices, and stores that help put the right person with the right skills in the right place at the right time, resulting in a quality customer interaction - regardless of the method of contact.


If this definition sounds too simple, establishing sound processes and respecting them to achieve this end is not; try satisfying customers, staff and management all at the same time, and you probably know it is a tricky balancing act that makes the life of a contact center planner a nightmare. This is particularly true if scheduling is still done manually, using Excel spreadsheets. With multichannel interactions proliferating today, requiring multi-skills on the part of agents that may be located in a geographically dispersed contact center, the headaches are even worse. With organizations acknowledging that it is in the contact center where vast improvements, savings, and profitability can be made, a sophisticated WFM software solution can definitely play an important role in achieving these improvements, which sometimes seems to be a miracle.

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