How to Choose the Right Cloud For Your Organization
2 min read
Thanks to our friends at Cloud9 Infrastructure for this guest blog.
In technology, many people assume the cloud is the cloud. After all, by definition, Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is a unified telecommunications system based in the cloud. Make or take a call, send a text, and start a video chat or webinar; those words and images are hosted in the cloud.
But whose cloud? Your own, or one you share with people and organizations you don’t know?
Public and private cloud environments are very different regarding security, flexibility, performance, control, and other essential factors. Today, organizations can experience the best of both worlds — with some due diligence.
In a public cloud environment, multiple organizations share space on a server or, more likely, a virtual server. This platform offers the benefits of simplicity, scale, and savings.
At the same time, a public cloud has limitations. Operating systems and software, for instance, are upgraded when the public cloud service provider — not the client organization — chooses. Users who want customization, such as other applications or additional security for their virtual machines, are generally out of luck.
Think of it as an apartment building filled with tenants. The building owner, not the tenants, decides when to shovel the snow off the steps and repave the parking lot. The tenants can request security cameras or electrical vehicle chargers, but the building owner ultimately decides whether to install them.
A private cloud system works like a public cloud, but as the name suggests, the resources are limited to a private network. These systems pair the efficiency of virtualization and a centralized infrastructure with the security of dedicated virtual servers. A private cloud gives organizations great flexibility, maximum control, and security.
However, adding and managing data centers, servers, and phone lines can get expensive and complicated and take engineering staff away from other duties. System maintenance can also require staff that may be difficult to find and expensive. In addition, modern communications requirements can mean significant liability.
Many services, including e911 and calculation and remittance of regulatory fees and taxes, are required for cloud-based systems. Companies that maintain a private cloud must stay abreast of — and comply with — government regulations, such as STIR/SHAKEN compliance; Kari’s Law, which ensures the ability to dial 911 directly; and RAY BAUM’s Act, which requires that all 911 calls include dispatchable location information.
The expense and liability of managing data centers have driven many organizations to migrate their private cloud environments to a managed private cloud service. This third offering combines many of the benefits of a public cloud with the increased control and security of a private cloud.
While this best-of-both-worlds scenario may sound too good to be true, whether a managed private cloud lives up to its potential depends on the service provider. Some of the questions to ask when evaluating potential partners include the following:
Another major factor to consider involves application-specific compatibility and expertise. Choosing a partner specializing in supporting an organization's communications systems and applications will likely result in higher satisfaction and fewer system conflicts and frustrating service requests.
To learn more how Cloud9 Infrastructure can help grow your business, call 800.947.0007, email [email protected], or visit their website.
Categories: Cloud Migration, Communications & Collaboration
Cloud9 Infrastructure,
Cloud9 Infrastructure is a Mitel-approved and Mitel-endorsed managed private cloud service provider providing infrastructure services to Mitel clients since 2004. This is the only complete, turnkey IaaS offering designed exclusively for Mitel channel partners and MiVoice Business subscription licenses.