Great Expectations: Delivering Extraordinary Experiences for Employees and Customers

Ebooks & Guides

Ebooks and Guides

68% of customers say a pleasant representative was key to their positive service experience.1  It’s the reason why high-quality employee experience (EX) is worth its weight in gold. It boosts your employees’ performance, career longevity, and loyalty to your brand – positives that all carry over to enhance customer experience (CX) too. 

For many businesses, there are still pre- and post-pandemic challenges to overcome before optimal EX can be achieved – 28% of employees think their productivity would improve with tools optimized for hybrid working.2 

Navigating the road ahead isn’t straightforward, but it starts with understanding EX’s true potential and how unified communications technology can help you unlock it. 

In this eBook, we define what exceptional EX is, highlight solutions to business challenges, and explore the steps needed to achieve optimal EX. It’s an evolutionary journey, but one that can be expedited with the right strategy and experience-enhancing communications technology from Mitel.  

Download our eBook to explore every aspect of EX and CX from a unified communications perspective.


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