Mitel Product Security Advisory OBSO-2408-01

Unify OpenScape Business Sensitive Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Advisory ID: OBSO-2408-01

Publish Date: 2024-08-14

Last Updated: 2024-08-14

Revision: 1.0



A vulnerability that discloses sensitive information in the UC Suite of the Unify OpenScape Business application could allow an authenticated attacker with administrative privileges to disclose sensitive information due to insufficient protection measures. A successful exploit requires a malicious user to gain access to administrative functionality for backup and diagnostics functions or data. This vulnerability could compromise the security of the user's OpenScape Business UC account.

The vulnerability severity is rated as medium.

Mitel is recommending customers with affected product versions update to the latest release.


Affected Products

Product statements are related only to supported product versions. Products which have reached End of Support (M44) status are not considered.

Products confirmed affected



Risk Assessment

CVSS3.1 Base score: 4.9 (Medium)


A successful exploitation could lead to subsequent attacks with increased risk. Customers are strongly advised to update to the solution version as soon as feasible or apply the available mitigations.


Mitigation / Recommended Action

Mitel is recommending customers with affected product versions update to the latest versions.
Customers who are concerned to address potential residual risk are recommended to update UC Suite user passwords.

Customers are encouraged to consult the Knowledge Management System (KMS) article KB000109550 for detailed technical instructions on how to change passwords.
For registered partners:
Please log in to the Unify support portal to view this link.


Revision History

Version Date Description
1.0 2024-08-14 Initial release

Advisory: OBSO-2408-01, status: general release
Security Advisories are released as part of Mitel Unify's Vulnerability Intelligence Process. For more information see

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Mitel Product Security Office
[email protected]
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