Emergency Response Solution for Healthcare

For healthcare organizations, every second counts when it comes to quickly managing emergency events. This requires an appropriate communication solution that is fully integrated into the healthcare workflow, so that the right information reaches the right people at the right time.
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Situation Analysis of Management of Emergency Events

Reliable. Easy to use. Hassle-free to switch

Our team is ready to help you find the solution that's right for you

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We Support Your Success


Thousands of satisfied healthcare organizations worldwide rely on Mitel to provide solutions that improve patient communication and care. Mitel's integration with healthcare applications such as nurse call systems with Mitel SIP-DECT along with messaging and alarming solutions, create cost-effective and secure real-time end-to-end solutions that improve the interaction between your healthcare staff and your patients.



  • Communications-Enhanced Healthcare

    To make a difference in healthcare, you need a different kind of communications system - a high-performance communications solution with healthcare integrations that work in harmony. Mitel UC solutions integrate with healthcare workflows and alarm/mass notification systems to keep staff and patients safe. Mitel provides flexible on-site, hybrid or cloud deployments, depending on the preferences of the healthcare organization.
    Learn more about UC Solutions
  • Mobility Enabled Hospitals

    Benefit from a high-performance, distributed and scalable DECT solution that is fully integrated with your existing Mitel UC solution and your healthcare application. The DECT handsets support alarm handling, message priority, color-coded display to indicate priority, and programmable answer buttons in the message for faster responses in the healthcare environment.

    Learn more about Mitel’s DECT solutions
  • Nurse Call Integrations

    The nurse call system collects data from multiple sources including medical devices, fall sensors, patient’s nurse-call button and more. It centralizes care processes and emergency call systems in hospitals to reduce staff workload and increase the quality and efficiency of care services. Mitel has integrations with nurse call systems that enable a comprehensive and customized experience of workflows, business communication and mobility for the healthcare staff.
    Learn more about one of our Nurse Call Integrations
  • Critical Communication and Notifications

    When an emergency occurs, your organization needs a fast, efficient and reliable way to notify staff to keep everyone safe. Designed for today's modern organization, Mitel's routine and notification solution enables reliable communication across a wide range of channels and devices to keep everyone safe, informed and connected during emergencies - no matter where they are.
    Learn more about our Alarm Solutions
