A disaster recovery plan is a strategic unit in business continuity, which provides a set of procedures to enact when your small business is faced with an unplanned emergency or natural disaster. A DRP should include specific steps and strategies to implement for recovering your business’ important information and continuing communications.
Business contingency planning to reduce risk includes:
Not having a disaster recovery plan for your small business puts you at risk to suffer major losses when an emergency occurs.
A DRP can provide your organization with more than just being prepared.
Some benefits for creating a disaster recovery plan are:
In addition to managing efficient customer service, a disaster recovery plan can save you money long-term. Creating a strong DRP will help your business recover quicker, which in turn will minimize your financial loss. Also, implementing a cloud-based communications solution can greatly reduce the monetary costs and overall stress for your small business by addressing all business phone system communication needs. Continuity cloud management will assist in effectively maintaining an infrastructure for both employees and clients.
A disaster recovery plan will require you to document all your IT equipment. Having a detailed inventory will give you an idea of the vital equipment that will be required to recover from a disaster quickly. It will also be useful in case you need to report any losses to insurance or the Small Business Administration (SBA). This is another place where cloud-based solutions can benefit you greatly. The less IT equipment you have on-site, the less of it you have to inventory, and the less of it can be affected by a physical disaster.
Now that you understand what a disaster recovery plan is and how it benefits your small business, make sure to follow this checklist when putting together your DRP.
Before starting to plan, you will need to put together a team of employees to be the main points of contact when a disaster strikes. This team can be made up of leaders from each department or volunteer employees. The disaster management team will ensure the continuity plan is up to date, implement its strategies when needed, and keep others safe during emergency procedures.
An EAP is a written document that outlines the procedures to take during an emergency or evacuation. It specifies the designated escape routes, key contacts, where to go, and how to continue operations if possible. The main purpose of an emergency action plan is to keep your employees safe during and after a disaster. Ensure all employees are trained to understand the EAP.
Having a current inventory of all resources and equipment will make it easy to determine what systems are critical to your business and can help you recover the quickest.
A business impact analysis helps your company figure out all possible threats and resulting consequences on your business. It is important to understand the possible effects a disaster could impose. During recovery strategy analysis, your goal is to establish all potential risks, including:
Determine which departments and systems are critical to your operations, and what resources are needed to continue functioning.
During this step in your disaster recovery planning, your small business will need to decide what its recovery goals are. How quickly you want to be functional again and the amount of inventory, downtime, or data you can afford to lose during a disruption. Determine two main components:
Each of these objectives can help you pinpoint what type of strategies are needed for your disaster recovery plan.
In this strategic planning step, identify the items needed in order to recover from different types of disasters. This includes plans for an alternative worksite, digital tools, data backups, how to file for damages, employee contact through cloud communications and reaching customers and vendors. Design an infrastructure that would support these crucial elements to maintain business continuity.
It cannot be stressed enough for informational security. Backing up important records and data is an essential step in your small business disaster recovery plan. Decide which cloud based solution will best serve your company when storing data and preparing for the unforeseen.
Understanding your small business’ insurance policies and coverages will benefit you after an emergency occurs. Make sure your insurance coverage includes things like damages and repairs to your building, indirect costs associated with the disruption of business or loss of income. There may be additional policies you need to buy depending on your region, like flood insurance. Include a detailed summary of your insurance in your DRP to ensure there are no gaps in coverage and understand what you need for your business.
Implementing a continuity management system with repeat testing is a great way to ensure your DRP is foolproof. Testing will aid in training all employees how to handle emergency situations. Gather feedback from your team during training and testing, so that you can make improvements if necessary.
While no one has a way of knowing when an emergency can occur, your business can prevent the negative effects caused by disasters by creating and implementing a disaster recovery plan. A DRP will help maintain employee communications, vendor and customer retention, minimize costs, and preserve important data for your small business.
Mitel technology can help your small business with its disaster recovery plan by providing reliable and secure technology to keep your business running after a disruption. Mitel’s MiCloud Connect helps your team stay connected through messaging, conferencing and file sharing, all while allowing you to provide quality customer service using advanced call controls from a mobile or desktop phone.
MiCollab is another collaboration software that can benefit you in your recovery plan needs by providing you the ability to access your business’ communications whenever and wherever you need them. Its features make it easier to stay functioning and connected with employees and stakeholders.
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