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California State University, Fullerton

The CSU Fullerton Division of Information Technology supports not only the present needs of the campus, but also strives to position itself to serve the future needs of the students, faculty and staff. Their global goals are to enhance teaching and learning by providing access to innovative technology, to facilitate business effectiveness and efficiency and to enable information access anytime and anywhere.

When developing the Information Technology Strategic Plan for the next several years, Amir Dabirian, CIO at CSUF, used three criteria for evaluating all potential IT projects: they must be 1) sustainable, 2) collaborative and 3) visionary. Video conferencing was one of the technologies that met these criteria and was evaluated to understand the potential benefits it could provide to the University. The IT team evaluated a few video solutions from leading vendors and ultimately chose Aastra’s BluStar™ video collaboration solution.

  • State-of-the-art technology 
  • High quality audio and video 
  • Increased productivity and collaboration 
  • Reduced travel expense and support for remote locations 
  • Affordable desktop video solution without sacrificing quality 
  • Presence indicator allows easy access to knowledge worker who can provide immediate resolution to a query 
  • Face-to-face interaction enhances communication providing nuances of non-verbal communication that are lost in voice-only connection 
  • Enhances efficiency and cost savings from reduced travel — both across campus and across town 

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