Ebooks and Guides

The Essential Guide to Public Cloud for Business Communications

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So you're considering public cloud for your business communications. You're not alone. Unlock lower costs and a faster deployment with public cloud powered by Mitel.

More and more businesses are turning to cloud communications, with the market growing roughly 25 percent year over year.

Why choose a public cloud deployment for your communications? What do you need to know about public cloud? And what are the next steps on your path? Before diving in, you must have the answers to these key questions. That’s why we’ve prepared this handy guide to take you through the basics of public cloud communications and what you need to know before taking the next step.

The advantages of a public cloud communications platform can be summed up in three words:

Simplicity: Your cloud provider manages all hardware and software, lessening your IT burden

Scale: You can add or remove users to scale up or down as your business needs change

Savings: Hosting your business communications via public cloud can largely reduce your capital expenditure

Download the free guide to learn more.

This guide contains excerpts from Cloud Communications For Dummies®. Click here for your complimentary copy.


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