
Unify OpenScape Voice

As part of the Unify OpenScape Enterprise portfolio, Unify OpenScape Voice enables your enterprise to talk—with each other, with your customers, with all your stakeholders, with immediacy and richness. With its carrier-grade reliability and unsurpassed scalability, OpenScape Voice is a leading enterprise telephony software application for mid- and large-sized enterprise companies.


Unify OpenScape Voice

Man on the phone

As part of the Unify OpenScape Enterprise portfolio, Unify OpenScape Voice enables your enterprise to talk—with each other, with your customers, with all your stakeholders, with immediacy and richness. With its carrier-grade reliability and unsurpassed scalability, OpenScape Voice is a leading enterprise telephony software application for mid- and large-sized enterprise companies.


Benefits of OpenScape Voice

Is this product right for you?

  • Hands join puzzle pieces in the office

    Empower your voice collaboration

    We’ve learned to communicate in a lot of ways, but when it really counts, we use the tool that matters most — our voice. We seamlessly synchronize voice with mobility, video and web conferencing, chat, messaging, presence, one-number service and more. Embed voice into your business applications. You can even unify your in-place multi-vendor voice network without ripping and replacing. All with one elegant framework. Now that’s worth talking about.
  • Image of an Otto Group Building

    Otto Group Companies Leverage Private Cloud Communication

    “Our old telephone system was no longer suitable for today’s business processes. What we needed was a seamless communication solution that would enable employees to work from anywhere.” 

    Lutz Bandholt, telecommunications, Engineer at the Otto Group
  • Image of a woman with headset in front of a laptop

    Microsoft Teams Client

    OpenScape Voice facilitates seamless integration with Microsoft Teams via native SIP trunking. Supported by OpenScape SBC or certified AudioCodes SBCs, it enables all essential telephony functions. Additionally, users can toggle between calls after consultation and control media bypass settings. This comprehensive feature set ensures smooth communication between OpenScape Voice and Microsoft Teams.


L'écosystème OpenScape Voice est à votre disposition.  En synchronisant de manière fluide  la voix avec la mobilité, les conférences vidéo et web, le chat, la messagerie, la présence et le service de numéro unique, nous harmonisons vos communications dans un cadre unique.

  • Unify OpenScape Branch

    OpenScape Branch rend le télétravail viable et rentable au sein de la solution Unify OpenScape Voice.

  • Unify OpenScape Session Border Controller

    OpenScape SBC est un contrôleur de session de nouvelle génération qui permet d'étendre en toute sécurité les communications et les applications basées sur OpenScape SIP au-delà des limites d'un réseau d'entreprise VoIP.

  • Unify OpenScape Management Applications

    Les applications de gestion OpenScape constituent un ensemble complet et unifié d'applications de gestion pour une solution OpenScape Enterprise. Elles assurent l'automatisation, la visibilité et le contrôle de tous les actifs vocaux, de communications unifiées et de tiers nécessaires au réseau. 


Is this product right for you?


  • Next Gen (100% SIP-based) Enterprise VoIP Solution
  • Carrier Grade Reliability (5 9s) Active – Active Server Architecture
  • Carrier Grade Routing and Translation for Cloud/Overlay Deployments (IP-Least Cost Routing)
  • Fits Into Virtualized Architecture (VMware)
  • Industry Leading Scalability Up to 100,000 Users on a System


  • 100% Call Failover Support – No Lost Calls on a Single Node Failure
  • Multi-tenant Support
  • Licensing options – Perpetual (CAPEX), Subscription (OPEX) 
  • Hybrid configuration




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