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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Flexibility & Connectivity for the Modern Era

What Does BYOD Mean? Defining Bring Your Own Device. 


Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the trend where employees can use their personal smart devices in the workplace. The personal devices can be smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, or personal computers that connect to the business network and systems. This trend has become more popular as employees are working remotely or on the move. 

A decade ago, a study showed that over 80 percent of IT managers believed that enterprises could gain a competitive advantage if they implemented a BYOD program. Now, it seems unimaginable that personal devices would not be welcomed, if not encouraged in the workplace.



How BYOD Works

BYOD works by allowing staff to use their own devices to access business systems. For communications and collaboration, connectivity can be done through a secure cloud-based system, with the use of tools and apps. By creating a single, virtual workspace, all devices can connect to the shared platform for engagement. This process uses VoIP systems, and BYOD SIP providers can provide the software and management of these systems. Rather than processing and storing data on the devices themselves, devices in this model consume and create data stored on a shared business cloud system. By using cloud systems for BYOD, all data is accessible from any device that has been granted access.


Policy Setups for BYOD

When initiating a BYOD workplace, it's important to set up a BYOD policy. This policy can cover areas like acceptable use, which may mean disallowing access to certain websites during business hours, WiFi usage, camera disabling, and more. IT authorities should also set up security measures, and password protections. Companies should consider limiting access to company data or limiting the ability to download sensitive material based on permission levels and other requirements. 

Expect to get questions about subsidizing devices or data usage costs. Being clear upfront and discussing expectations with employees is best to avoid misunderstandings. Are you going to pay for phone repairs? Will you pay for any upgrades? A BYOD policy should also outline clarity on disciplinary actions in the event of noncompliance, misuse, or unethical practices.

IT support needs to be readily available to help troubleshoot issues that may arise across the broad array of devices. Your policy should outline who the primary contact person is and the expectations for IT assistance. 

Discussing flexible work hours, after-hour expectations, and implementing a work progress record method are other factors to consider in the BYOD policy. A clear structure and communication need to be in place for staff to communicate their availability status.



Learn more about working BYOD into your business smartly and securely


Important Features of BYOD


VoIP service providers are already doing away with expensive and unnecessary hardware. Depending on the BYOD SIP provider, different features are available on your personal device to connect to your business systems.


BYOD works best with the use of across-the-board shared apps that are loaded onto each device. Meetings, video conferencing, business chats, softphones, group chats, etc., can also be features available to those businesses who use BYOD.


Cloud collaboration software can also provide integrated tools to allow team members to be quick to respond, more accessible for video conferencing, and access collaborative files from their preferred device or multiple devices.


With a good VoIP BYOD system, relevant work conversations will be mirrored across all devices, allowing staff to switch from their laptops to smartphones and back.



Top Benefits of BYOD

BYOD requires increased IT support and security measures. These risks are outweighed for many companies by all the benefits of allowing staff to work on personal devices.  

1. Less Spending

The growing workforce of millennials has seen a demand for BYOD, and a 2014 survey showed that 73 percent of millennials did not expect their place of work to provide them with a device. This results in considerable savings for businesses. Staff are also likely to take care of devices more carefully when they belong to them, rather than dragging an extra work phone or tablet around.

2. Convenience

What could be more convenient than arriving at your new job and being able to access systems on a device that you already know your way around? This saves time and does not require special training. Additionally, accessing work systems wherever you are, with your own device, is extremely convenient. We're living in a time where everyone already has a phone in their pocket, so by integrating it with work systems, a business can stay connected to all employees.

3. Increased Productivity

BYOD fuels productivity by allowing employees to work offsite and after hours. This freedom and flexibility appeal to millennial workers who can work anywhere and everywhere. Ease of use and productivity go hand in hand.

Despite debates that personal devices could be distracting (with private notifications coming through), BYOD surveys showed the opposite. A Forbes report revealed that 42 percent of staff members who used their own devices admitted that their efficiency improved. 


4. Improved In-House Communication

When staff uses a BYOD system, they are accessible when traveling, working from home, or moving around the office. With added features like video conferencing, messaging, and softphones, employees spend less time setting up their devices and more time engaging in productive brainstorming and in-house communications. Integrated tools improve productivity.

5. Personal Information Remains Intact

Chances are, staff already use their personal devices to work. Salespeople may already use their phone to make sales calls. Unfortunately, this means that customers may have your team member's personal contact number and continue to call them even after they've left the business. If softphone technology is installed on their business-enabled personal device, they can be contacted over a VoIP line, on their own phone, without sharing their private number.

6. Satisfied Employees

When a workplace offers flexibility, personnel have increased morale, loyalty, and employee engagement. A positive employee experience leaves staff feeling trusted, and they are more likely to take the initiative and prove their dedication in their position without facing burnout and psychological distress. This is obviously beneficial for employers, as happy employees mean happy customers, well-executed projects, and more profit. Employees are further encouraged when they have the freedom to use their preferred device, whether Android or IOS.

7. Updated Technology

Employees who use their own devices are more inclined to update their phone to the latest software. The likelihood of buying the newest smartphone is higher when the phone is their own. Even if a subsidy is offered, the savings for a company are huge.




You can't talk about BYOD today without talking about remote working

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